Survival Trapping & Snaring
Learn multiple primitive and modern snare techniques in this one-day intensive course. By the end of the day you'll understand how and when to use various types of snare and traps and take home your own!
Physical ability for hiking, squatting, and working in the woods.
Course Description
This interactive class will offer a range of snare and trapping skills. This class will teach you how to procure valuable meat and fur, as well as how to eliminate predators (2 and 4 legged!) by using the most effective means-trapping and snaring. We will cover modern traps and snares first, then our Primitive Skills expert Josh McKinley will teach making and setting primitive traps!
Class will include classroom instruction, field training, and identifying habitat and patterns of target animals.
Required Equipment
Weather Appropriate Clothing for 6 hours outdoors. Be prepared to get dirty.
Comfortable Shoes
Pen & Paper for taking notes
When: Next Class TBD
Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM CENTRAL (11:00 - 5:00 Eastern)
$25 Deposit payable via Paypal. If you don't have or can't figure out PayPal contact us to arrange alternate payments.
Remainder due at the door. Cash Only. No Checks. No Cards.
Class location will be provided after sign-up.
To Signup for this Class contact us via the Form below: